Friday 5 July 2013

Answer to the Question on EKG dated 4/7/13

This EKG shows Type 1 Heart Block,. PR Interval is constant and prolonged around 0.4 sec. There are no P waves without a following QRS Complex. There is Bradycardia with HR of 48 bpm. The Patient's Potassium levels are at 5.98 mmol/l.  Rest there is appearance of 'U' waves in this EKG. There is Cardiomegaly and Axis is in normal direction.

The Patient was showing Bradycardia on Monitor of 48. Management Includes, Immediate EKG, Investigating Serum Potassium levels, i/v(in dilution) or i/m Atropine and Regular Monitoring. Other Observations and Management Suggestions are Welcome. :)